
RoboStack is a mobile inbound palletizer that was specially designed for palletizing mixed goods from incoming containers. The ideal solution to automate high volume inbound processes.

Boost the efficiency of your inbound operation and improve speed, precision and ergonomics.

Increase your unloading capacity and dock rotation. Thanks to its unique design with two cooperative robot arms, Robostack can process up to 1200 cartons per hour.

Start unloading multi-SKU containers with just 1 person. Robostack will reduce operational costs and dependency on labour.

Create a safe and healthy working environment for your inbound employees. Robostack takes care of repetitive heavy lifting and contributes to sustainable employability.

Asia Express food receives over 2000 shipping containers per year with millions of cartons. We decided to automate our inbound process with the Robostack inbound palletizer. This has led to a huge improvement in both ergonomics and efficiency.
Bert Bult
Logistics Project Manager Asia Express Food

We understand the importance of reliability. Therefore we provide comprehensive maintenance services.

  • Continuous preventive maintenance
  • Periodic corrective maintenance
  • 24/7 service hotline
Discover our services

Ready to boost the efficiency of your inbound Process?

Let's get in touch to discuss the details of your operation. With our ROI calculator we can quickly assess if there is a business case for robotic inbound palletizing. Feel free to contact us any time.

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